Tuesday, May 19, 2020

I'm sorry I wasn't good enough.

Sitting in the doctor’s office, I notice Sam Agostoni’s picture on the wall. I hope she isn’t the one to see me. She made my husband leave me. Was I not enough anymore? Was I too much? He left me for him. He got her pregnant five months ago. He had told me he got someone pregnant and I was happy for him, I didn’t think he would leave me for her. The thing is that I am pregnant, as well. He doesn’t believe me that I am pregnant. So, I made this appointment with my ob-gyn, he should be here soon. “Kelly Mastromarina, the doctor, will see you now.” I stand up as she closes the door behind me, “Miss Agostoni, will be the one to see you as your doctor had to leave.” I stop and stare at her.

“Am I able to see someone else?” She shakes her head. Miss Agostoni is the only one that can see you.” I nod, “Follow me.” She takes me to a room.  As I walk into the room, my phone goes off. I answer it.

“I’m here, now where are you?” Justin says.

I turn to the nurse, “My husband is here. Can you let him back here, please?” She nods and leaves. He hung up before I could say anything back to him. I sigh and sit on the table. My hand rests on my belly. I didn’t want to meet her this way, but I have no choice.

“Kelly, please, stop this, you know you’re not pregnant.” He says, walking into the room. I look down at my hands.

“How do you know I’m not pregnant?” I say back. He sighs.

“Because we’ve tried, and you have never gotten pregnant.” It’s my turn to sigh.

“That doesn’t change the fact that I am two months late,” I say back. Justin stares at me. There is a knock at the door. “Come in,” I say, trying to stop my fear from taking over. Sam walks in and stops when she sees Justin.

“Miss Mastromarina, how can I help you?”

“I think I am pregnant.” Her eyes widen and look back at Justin, and he shakes his head.

“I don’t think she is, but she wanted to come and see.” He says, and she looks back at me.

“Here, I need you to pee in this cup, and we will test it.” She hands me the cup and walks out.

“You wanted to do this; you wanted to hurt her.” He snaps at me.

“I didn’t, ask her I didn’t. I came here to see Jess, but she had to leave early. I swear I didn’t want to meet her. I wish I didn’t have to meet the woman you left me for.” I sob walking out of the room as I walk out of the bathroom, my heart shaders even more as Justin holds Sam in his arms.

“What are you going to do if she is pregnant?” Kelly sobs,

“That changes nothing. I’ll fight to take the child. You are the one I want to be with, not her.” I hold back my sobs and walk into the room. I grab my phone and text, Jess, ‘why did you have to leave?’ I hit send as he walks back into the room.

“You can leave. I heard what you told Sam.” I sob. He looks shocked. “I won’t let you take my child away from me. I haven’t done anything to you.” I lay back on the table. He touches my belly.

“If you are pregnant, do you want me around?” I stare up at him. I shake my head, no.

“I want you to leave,” I say as there is a knock on the door. Sam comes walking in. “What did it say?" I sit up.

“Congart-“ She takes a deep breath. “You are pregnant.” Justin stares at me. I smile softly.

“I’ll take my leave. I know what I need to do. Just send the script to my pharmacy.” I stand up. “I’ll make an appointment with Jess. I can’t say it was nice to meet you when I never wanted to meet you. So, goodbye.” I walk away before either of them can say anything.


1 hour of writing from a picture

  "I was failing everything I did because of how we were. I know now that we weren't meant last as long as we did but I don't g...