Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Story Starter 30 mins

Being the only child for an Alpha family is the best thing but being a female and being the only child for an Alpha family isn’t good. Yeah, I know that being a werewolf and all that is cool, but I didn’t get the alpha gen. So, me becoming Alpha isn’t going to happen. Seeing as I am an omega. At the same time, I am the only child of the incredible and powerful Alpha. My name is Summer Marie. My mother died giving birth to me. Yes, my Father should’ve died when she did, but they weren’t fully mated yet,, meaning he didn’t die with her.

I guess that was a good thing, but I will never really know because he hates me. I moved in with my grandparents because he couldn’t stand looking at me every day. He did raise me until I was about six, when “the Alpha gen” starts showing in alpha kids. When I didn’t show it, he tossed me aside like lousy food. He only talks to grandpa when they call him. I am at the top of the food chain as well as the bottom. I wish my mother was still here. I have heard that I look a lot like here. Grandma cried when I tried sixteen and didn’t shift. I could feel her pain and sadness. I can feel everyone’s pain and sadness when they look at me. When I go to the movies, I feel everyone’s emotions. Grandpa says that it is a gift, but I don’t think so. I can’t even tell what my own emotions are. My great-grandma says that it will take practice to tell the difference between my own and someone else. I am not on an easy path with this “gift.” Trying to know what to do at school is even more challenging.

The boys that come near me, I can feel their hatred and the discus towards me. They talk to me because they feel that they have to because of my Father. Only if they knew what my own Father thought of me, they wouldn’t even look at me. It’s easy putting a smile on my face because I have to look happy for the pack. None of them know that I don’t have the Alpha gene. Well, most of the kids don’t. I can’t wait to find my mate. I know that he isn’t in this pack because I am the youngest child in the pack. I go to my dad’s on Thursdays to learn pack stuff, but he doesn’t really teach me anything. He just has me sit at a desk doing nothing. So, I learned how to draw. I am really good at it. We have had another Alpha come to the house, but I was told to stay away from them. He doesn’t want them to know about me. What did I do so wrong that he wants nothing to do with me?

“Summer,” My grandma calls up the stairs.

“Coming” I grab my sketchbook and run down the stairs with my long blonde hair flowing behind me. “What’s up, grandma?” I asked, walking into the kitchen. I stop in my tracks, seeing my dad sitting at the table. “Hello, father.” He looks up at me, and all I see is pain.

“Hello, Summer.” He says quietly, “Mother, are you sure she should be in this?” he asks shortly.

“Yes, Jack. You need to get to know your daughter. She is talented. She is smart and brave. Plus, she has a gift that can help you.” She says, smiling at me.

“What do I need to do?” I ask, void of all emotion. Her smile fades.

“Summer, sweetie, isn’t this what you wanted? To get to know your Father?” She says softly.

“I want him to want to know me, not be forced to know me. I will do this because the pack needs me, but I am not doing this to get to know him.” I take a deep breath. “He had his chance. I go over there every Thursday, he doesn’t even talk to me anymore. I do all the talking if there is any talking.” I say. “Now, what do I need to do?” no one said a word, but I could feel all the pain in the room. The tears start forming in my eyes. After about ten mins no one talked. Jared walked into the room,

“Mom, you wanted me?” he says.. “Hey Summer, you okay?” his cheerful voice makes the tears fall.

“I can’t take the pain in this room. I need to go,” I say. “But the pain is too much, and I can’t move.”

“Please carry her to the living room so she can sit and draw, please?” her voice cracks. As he walks away with me. “She can’t feel everyone’s emotions. She is an empath. She is critical. She can help find the trader in his pack. Hell, she might even find her mate.” Grandma says with so much fear in her voice. “She needs her father.” The pain and sadness all there, just like the day he dropped me off in their care.

“Uncle, why does he hate me?” I ask as he sits me down.

“Summer, he doesn’t hate you, he loves you to the point it hurts, but it hurts seeing your mother. You look just like her.” He says, patting my head. “I’ll go talk to him. I love you.”

“I love you too,” I say, turning to my current piece of work. I smile, looking at the picture of my mom that I am working on. I start working on the hair tuning the voice out, but the emotions don’t leave. The anger, Sadness, Guilt, and Tiredness.

“Summer,” Jared says, sitting next to me. “We would like to talk to you.” I look up and see my Father and Jared sitting next to each other. My Father looks everywhere but at me. I raise an eyebrow. “Don’t we, Jack?” He finally looks at me and nods. “We need your-”

“I want to hear it from him,” I say as the shock shows on Jared’s face. Jared nods and looks at my Father, who is still staring at me.

“Jack?” Jared says.

“She looks just like her. Oh my god, I miss her so much.” The pain is so much more than usual. He sobs, putting his head in his hands.

“I’m not her.” I sob, unable to keep it in. His head snaps up. It’s no longer my Father in control. His wolf is.

“Summer?” he asks, scared.

“Yes, Justin?” I ask as the pain starts leaving. Whenever Justin takes over, the pain from my Father disperses. I know Justin more than I know my own Father. He gets up and moves in front of me.

“I’ve missed you, but now isn’t the time for that. I need your help. The blood-moon pack is in trouble. The pack has a traitor in their ranks, and they have asked us to help them find out who it is. I have been told that you can do that, can you?”

“What am I doing?”

“You will be asked to talk to everyone in their ranks with Jared and me-”

“If I need to tell what they are feeling, then I need to be alone with them. I can’t have my Father in the room because of his pain.” I say more bluntly than I wanted to, but it needed to be said. He nods

“We will be outside the door, then,” Jared says.

“Fine. Whose kids am I pretending to be?” Justin growls.

“Mine.” He says

“That’s kind of hard when they have been here. How many times and never met me?” I asked, staring into his golden blue eyes.

“We have that all figured out,” Jared says. “You have been living with your grandparents because you needed more care that one person can give because of your gift.”

“Fine.” I huff. “When do we leave?”

“In a week,” Jared says, putting a hand on my dad’s shoulder. “Which means you and your dad need to be around each other more.” The pain slowly comes back. I reach out towards my Father as his eyes return to their light blue. “Jack, you okay with that?” he slowly nods, still looking at me.

“She has my nose and eyes.” He softly says.

“Let’s start over?” I ask, putting my hand out. “Hi, my name is Summer Marie.” He laughs.

“Hi, my name is Jack Marie.” He says, taking my hand. The pain still there, but at least we are getting somewhere. He looks down and my book. “What are you doing there?”

“I’m drawing. Nothing big.”

“It looks like Carman. Is that who it is?” I nod.

“I can’t seem to get the hair right, though.” I close the book “So, how do you like being Alpha?” I look up at him.

“It’s hard, but I like it. I’ve missed you running around the house.” He says.

“Can I ask something?” I say, looking down at my book.

“What’s the question.” He says, making me look at him.

“Where’s mom’s grave?” I see the hurt in his eyes. “We use to go there all the time, but grandma and grandpa wouldn’t take me there because it was our place,” I say softly. He grabs my arm and pulls me to my feet.

“Follow me.” He says sharply. “Mother,” he hollers. “Why haven’t you taken her to Carman’s grave?”

“Because we knew that is where you do all your work, and it’s hard for you to be around Summer. We wanted her to blame us and not you for you not being there.” Grandpa says, walking down that stairs.

“Take her there, son.” She says, walking out of the kitchen. He nods and drags me out of the house. Everyone around is now looking at him drag me towards the packhouse, but we don’t go inside. We make a sharp left before getting to the stairs. We stop at a tree with my mother’s name carved into it. There was a little shack.

“Do you really do your work out here?” he nods.

“This is where your mother is.” He says.

“Why isn’t she by the house?” I ask, and he smiles.

“She hated being inside. So, when she died, I had her placed her. The tree was planted here two months after you were born.” He says, looking up. “Are you sure you want to help us?”

“It’s something I have to do,” I say, his head snaps towards me.

“You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to.”

“Look, I know I need to do this because the pack needs someone to help us when we need it. I’m the only one that can do this. So, I must do this. I want the pack to have help when we need it. That’s what I want.” I turn and walk to the packhouse. When I get to the steps, I run into the house all the way to my old bedroom. I fall onto the floor right in front of the door. “Mama, why did you have to leave?” I sob. Someone wraps their arms around me.

“Hey, please stop crying, Beautiful.” A soft voice says. I lean into his chest. As I touch his skin, sparks fly. I gasp. I need to get out of here. I try to move away from him, but he tightens his grip on me.

“Please let me go.” I sob.

“Xavier,” my Father growls. “LET MY DAUGHTER GO.” He just growls back and pulls me closer into his chest.

“Daddy, go. I’ll handle this.” I say quietly. He shakes his head no. “My mate won’t hurt me,” I say, and he stops growling.

“Mate?” he asks. I nod. He walks over to us, making Xavier growl more. “Xavier, let me hug her, please?” he sounds so broken. And the guilt overwhelms me, and everything goes black.

Xavier’s P.O.V.

As I am trying to wake her up, I notice that her Father isn’t doing anything but stare. “If you want to help her, then find someone or something that can wake her up. I need her.” My voice breaks at the end. Everything going on with my pack I can’t go through losing my mate when I just found her.

“Son, everything will be okay. She will wake up when her heart heals.” An old woman says, walking up the stairs.

“Heals? What do you mean?” Alpha Jake asks, looking even more crushed.

“Look, son, she never truly healed from Carmen’s Death. Just like you haven’t. Yes, she didn’t know her mother, but she still lost something. She lost her mother, something that you haven’t. Yes, you lost your mate, but she lost something that she never had, and everyone tells her about Carmen. Hell, she even looks just like her. So, how can you look in the mirror and see someone you never met and think that’s you?” she looks at me, holding her. “You’re Xavier Willason, The Blood-Moon’s Alpha-to-be?” I nod, and she sighs. “And her mate?” I nod again. “I told you when she was younger she was to be mated to an alpha. She didn’t need the Alpha-gen.” she turns and stairs walking down the stairs. “Xavier, follow me and bring Summer. There’s a lot you need to know.”

1 hour of writing from a picture

  "I was failing everything I did because of how we were. I know now that we weren't meant last as long as we did but I don't g...