Saturday, March 18, 2023

Writing Prompt #3

 Use a tombstone, a first kiss, and a butterfly collection.

Today my mom got me tickets to the local butterfly convention, in downtown, Pottsville, VA. It’s about two hours from my house but it is worth is. “Thank you so much, mom.” I say over the phone.“You are so welcome. Now you need to meet Jason, at the info desk, for you walk through.” Says my dad. “He is going to go everywhere with you for the next two days. Okay?”“Yes dad.” I knew there was a reason why they got me these, it’s a blind date. “Wait dad, Is this a blind date?” I ask even though I know the answer already.“Sweetie why would we do that?” my mother asks which tells me it is.“Can you just tell me the truth?” I snap hanging up the phone. I walk inside to the info desk, just to say that I was there.“Are you Rose?” a cute man asks me. I nod my head. “Oh thank god, I just got here I thought I missed you.” He says laughing, I laugh alone to make the best of this uncomfortable situation. “You’re very pretty, you know that right?” I shake my head and point to my glasses. “Just because you have them doesn’t make you any less beautiful.”“Okay, I’m not trying to be mean or anything, but did my parents put you up to this?” I say. He shakes his head. I wish people would tell me the truth. My parents have a lot of money, and this isn’t the first time they paid someone to go out with me. “Please tell me if they did because I will still do this just so you can get to know me. But they have done something like this before. So it won’t hurt my feelings.”“They offered to pay me, but I said no because I wouldn’t want to do that to my child, I would want them to find someone without my money’s help.” He snaps.“Oh my, I am so sorry I didn’t mean to be rude, I’ll just go now.” I go to walk away but he grabs my hand and pulls me back to my spot.“I didn’t mean for that to come out the way it did, I just know how it feels when money is used to find happiness.” He says looking away. “I was in love at one point but my parents were paying her to stay with me, but when they died she left me the day after wards.” I get up on my tip toes and kiss his lips, my first kiss. He wraps his arms around my waist and I wrap my arms around his neck. After a few minutes we pull away.“I am so sorry I don’t know what got ahold of me.” I say blushing.“If is fine. I have never been kissed like that before and it was great. Thank you for doing that, but know I have to take you out to eat to try and pay you back for doing that for me.” He rambles on. I just put a finger up to his lips.“If you were trying to ask me out I would love to go get something out to eat.” Then I remember where we are. “After this please?” I ask nicely. He nods, “You collect beautifies to?” I ask looking around.“No, but I would love to learn more about them. So lead the way.” He says bowing like I am a queen or something.“Okay,” I grab his hand and pull him toward the first stand. That is how the rest of the day went until about five or six when he was finally saying that he was hungry. So we went to Bods crab shack and got something to eat. When my mom called I sent it to voicemail because I didn’t want to talk to her.“Who was that?” he asks looking up from the menu,“My mother,” I say looking up at him. “She’s most likely calling to find out if we hit it off.” I say shrugging.“You should talk to her more because one day you won’t have them.” Right after he says that my mom calls again. “Answer it I don’t mind.” I answer it.“What’s up mom?” I ask“Your dad…” she sobs.“What about daddy?” I ask probably looking scared because Jason gets up and comes over to myside to hold me.“He’s in the hospitable” she says“Which one?” I ask not letting her finish.“Phil’s hospitable” she says sobbing.“I’m on my way.” I say hanging up the phone. I turn to face Jason. “I need a ride.” I say he nods placing a tip on the table and walking me to the door. “I might lose him. I can’t lose him.” I sob. He starts driving. “Phil’s Hospitable” I say.“I kind of figured that from what you have been saying.” He says rubbing my hand. “It’ll be alright.” He says taking his hand away to drive.“I am so sorry I would understand if you just dropped me off and never came back.” He shakes his head.“No I won’t do that for one. For two I want to meet the ones who gave me you.” He says smiling. “Also I want to go back there to the beautify thing just to see that beautiful smile.” He says trying to chare me up. “Come on I want to see that smile.” He says as we pull into a parking spot. “Alright” he says getting out and coming over to myside. He pulls me out and pulls me into a hug and I start crying even more. “Come let’s go.” He pulls me inside the old hospitable. “Here to see Kevin Link.” The nurse says he is in room 12. As we are walking into room 12 I see my father on the bed fighting for his life.“Daddy,” I say running over to him. “Please don’t leave me, I still need you.” I say hoping to get something back. “I love you.” I say with tears in my eyes, “I know I haven’t been the greatest child lately and I haven’t said that I love you but I do.” And he flat lines. “No” I yell sobbing. Jason comes over to me and pulls me into his arms. “I am so sorry this isn’t how you wanted this to turn out. It’s all my fault. I wish I said I love you more.” I sob.1 Week and three dates Later.“Wow I can’t believe my dad is really gone.” I say as we drive to Ohio to bury him. “Mom are you okay?” I ask looking in the back seat and seeing she is zoned out I turn back around. “I hope she will be okay.”“Sweetie, she will be.” Jason says.

1 hour of writing from a picture

  "I was failing everything I did because of how we were. I know now that we weren't meant last as long as we did but I don't g...