Monday, September 2, 2024

Day 25 of 30 Days of Writing Prompts

Written in 30 minutes. My brain just didn't want to work with writing prompt. 

Writing Prompt #1,201

You are a 20-year-old woman working with your uncle at his logging company during the summer. It's not your ideal choice for spending your time, but it is a refreshing change in scenery for you. On your days off, you explore the nearby town and the surrounding woods, although you have been warned not to go out after dark due to the increasing number of wild animal attacks in the area. For the most part, you heed this warning. There isn't much to do anyhow, so you spend most of your time reading in the local diner. You make friends with one waitress who works there, a punk-looking girl with bright red hair and a combative attitude who wants nothing more than to leave the town. You become close. But a few weeks later, your friend goes missing. Despite your search, people have no idea where she's gone, some even claiming that they don't know her entirely. When she suddenly returns the following month, with a different attitude and an unfamiliar wardrobe, you are naturally suspicious. The more you look at her, the more unlike herself she looks. Where there once were freckles, there are none. The piercings she had are completely gone and have even healed without a trace. The worst part? Her eyes are an entirely different color. Convinced that this is not your friend, you decide to find out what exactly happened to her in an attempt to get her back — if she's not already gone forever.

‟Saph, how’s your mother?” I asking already know the answer. Her mother died over a year ago. She tilts her head to the left and looks me up and down.

‟You know she is dead, right?” She asks in a soft small voice, that’s definitely not Saph’s normal voice.

‟Okay. Where have you been the past month?” I ask just staring at her.

‟Around. I’ve already told you this.” She shrugs. I force myself to stay calm. I’ve called her out about not being Saph. She just shrugged it off and said She changed over this last month. Which it a possibility but it’s very unlikely. There has been a complete change in her. Hell, her eye color isn’t even the same. I don’t even know how people didn’t remember her? How did they not even know that she went missing for a whole month! Like in this small down are we that forgettable?

1 hour of writing from a picture

  "I was failing everything I did because of how we were. I know now that we weren't meant last as long as we did but I don't g...