Saturday, March 21, 2020

About Blog

You maybe asking your self what is this all about? Is it related to Mickey Mouse?
The answer to the first question is, "It's a blog." The answer to the second question is, "No, it's not."
Now you maybe asking then why name it "the mouse's kindom?"
Well to answer that question I have to tell you a little bit about me. My nickname is Princess of mice or princess of the mouse kingdom. I got that nickname because whenever I get scared, startled or squeezed I squeal like a mouse. Like all nicknames if you fight it, it sticks. So, after fighting it for a few years, I just embraced it. Now more about this blog.
Blogging isn't easy, neither is Creative writing, but I plan on doing both. Now, I am currently working on my associate's degree. So some of my posts will be my creative writing and some maybe venting about something in my live. Then there may also be some related to my school. I want to be an author. I want people to enjoy my writings. I write a little be of everything. I currently have a work in progress. I'll post about that one later. I will be writing from writing prompts or from my thoughts. I'll give credit to where I got the prompt from. 

1 hour of writing from a picture

  "I was failing everything I did because of how we were. I know now that we weren't meant last as long as we did but I don't g...