Monday, March 23, 2020

Little more

Not knowing what tomorrow brings is scary. "I know that with the people I have in my life, I will be okay. The thing is, they won't be in my life forever. They might die tomorrow. Then what would I do." When my depression starts acting up it's hard to counter thoughts like that. I know I will make it through whatever tomorrow brings. but my depression doesn't like that. I'm fighting everyday to keep my head up high and smile. Someone once told me.

"To fake it, till you make it."

I know that it doesn't really apply to this but it still works right? Well, I'm kind of doing that now. I am keeping myself busy during this time of being stuck inside my house with four other adults. One of them I am marring Aug. 23, 2023. Another is my father and the other two is my SO's parents. Four bedroom, 3 story house. At least we have "space." I'm wanting to start chatting with people but I don't really know how to start doing that. I know that I need to get writing again, so I started this blog to help me get back into writing.

I am a creative writer. I love writing fiction stories. I normally don't want to share them because I don't know what others will think about my writings. I'm putting that fear aside to over come it, because I want to become a published author. There are going to be people who hate my writing and people who love my writing. With both of those there will be people who don't love or hate it. Something that I need to do is just be happy with my writings and not let the "haters" get into my head. As of right now there isn't any "haters". I know that at some point there will be and that's okay. I just can't let my depression control my fears. I know that I will be okay.

Happiness is where I want to be. I need to create my happiness because no one will bring it to me. I need to work for it. Everyone can be happy but that won't happen, because that means not everyone's beliefs won't be met. The thing is that everyone compromise on something everyday. We just don't think of it that way and that's okay. People don't always thing of it as compromising. I think that if we all give a little and I mean everyone then we will find some type of peace. I know that won't happen becasue people think that they are right and everyone else is wrong. Hell, I am one of those people sometimes. I am no better than someone else. We are all equal. I may not be going to church but I don't anybody that's going isn't better than me. When I was going to church I didn't think anyone who wasn't going is lesser than me. No we all are equal, we may have different lives but that doesn't make someone better than someone else. We are equal. I don't care what religion you believe in or not. I don't care what race you are. I don't care what makes us differen't we are all equal. I know that I want everyone to be happy.  

This post is all over the place. Telling what I think isn't easy. I know what I want to put in this post. I wanted it to be short and to the point but I kind of rambled on about things. But reading over this I know I did that right thing writing this out. Tell me what you think? Should we all give a little to make the world a better place? Fighting gets us no where, I don't want to fight I want to talk with people. 


1 hour of writing from a picture

  "I was failing everything I did because of how we were. I know now that we weren't meant last as long as we did but I don't g...