Thursday, November 12, 2020

Half vampire half animal Part One

Dear Kelly,                                                                                                                   7 Jully, 2018

I've fallen in love with him. I know that if I told my mother that she wouldn't be happy about it. Our families don't get along. It's not like I wanted to fall for him, but he's so lovely and caring. I know that our life would be hard. What can I do?
From Jaden,

Dear Jaden,                                                                                                                   8 Jully, 2018

I know that your mother also fell for a Wild when she was your age. They all act nice until they turn 18. So, all I can tell you is to be careful around him. He may be lovely now, but remember that it isn't who they really are.
From Kelly,

Dear Kelly,                                                                                                                   8 Jully, 2018

What happened all those years ago? Why do they hate us, and why do "we" hate them? Is there anything that can change it? I really want to be with him, and he wants to be with me. Come on, Kelly, I really like him. When are you coming home again? I miss you. Can you please tell me more about our family?
From Jaden,

Dear Jaden,                                                                                                                   10 Jully, 2018

I'll be home in a few days, and then we will talk. Please don't do anything dumb. Please don't "be" with him. He isn't the person you think he is. I'll tell you more in person. Please stay away from him and his brothers and sisters. I know how fun they can be, but please do as I ask.
From Kelly,

Dear Kelly,                                                                                                                   11 Jully, 2018

I told mom. She said, "If you date him, you'll no longer be apart of this family." Why can't anyone tell me what's really going on? It's starting to feel like I can't trust anyone in my family. Everyone is hiding something from me. It's beginning to hurt. This is the last email I will be sending. I'm leaving this family. Bye.
From Jaden.

As I walk out of the house, tears roll down my face. I wish they would just understand. I pull out my phone and set it in the mailbox. They won't be able to track me down this way. I start walking down the street. I look back and see my little sister looking out her window. I wave, and she waves back. She knows I'll call in two months after I turn 18. I walk to the bus station. I wish they would have understood where I was coming from. I get on the bus and pay for my ticket. I take the bus all the way downtown. I went behind a shop and laid down between a trash can and a brick wall. I cry for the life I just left and for the unknown that I'm doing. Someone touches me, and I jump up and scramble away from whoever it is.
"Jaden?" a voice asks. I look at the person and see Xavier. "What are you doing back here?" I open my mouth to say something, but I hear my mother yelling my name.
"Jaden, please." She yells and sobs at the same time. "Please come home." Xavier looks at me, and I shake my head. He seems conflicted about something. His dad walks up behind him and sees me lying on the ground.
"What are you doing here, Jaden?" His dad asks. I reach for Xavier's hand.
"I want to be with your son," I say, looking down at the ground.
"No. You guys can't be together." He says as my heart shaders.
"Dad, she's my-" Xavier starts.
"She can't be." He yells as Kelly runs over. "Kelly." He growls.
"NO!" I scream as my vision starts going blurry. Xavier wraps his arms around me as the shocks from his touch bring back some of my vision. But it didn't last long before everything went black.
Xavier's P.O.V.
"What's wrong with her?" I look at The woman then my dad. "Dad, she's burning up." I look down at Jaden. She whimpers, and my heart breaks. "Dad, you said when I find my true mate, there will be shocks when and where I touch her. Well, I feel them with Jaden. She's my true mate. Her soul is hurting, my wolf is clawing trying to get out to make her pain stop. Please, dad helps her."
"She'll die in two months if she doesn't get blood." The woman says. "If what he is saying is true, then she isn't one of my clan. My sister adopted her from a family in my clan. She's part wolf. I have seen the wolf inside her long ago, but it never came back out so, I thought it wasn't there." 
"Kelly, did you find her?" Jaden's mom comes running over. "Please give her here." She stops when she sees me holding her. My wolf growls at her, and they all take a step back. My dad looks shocked at me. "Please don't hurt her. She's sick." She tries to step forward, but Kelly stops her.
"They are mates, or so he claims," I growl again. "Wolf, calm down. If I don't get to her, she could die." Kelly says, slowly stepping forward. My dad reaches out to stop her.
"His wolf won't let anyone near her."

1 hour of writing from a picture

  "I was failing everything I did because of how we were. I know now that we weren't meant last as long as we did but I don't g...