Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Justice Part One

Before reading this story, please go read the Trigger Warning Page. If you don't read the trigger warning page, then please keep your thoughts to yourself.

"Jade, Sweetie, let me give you a ride home. it's getting late out." says miss. Tech, my 90-year-old boss, I shake my head,

"No, I don't live that far from here. I will be fine." I say trying to calm her down.

"But it's midnight, I wouldn't be able to live with myself if something happened to you. Since it is my fault you are here five hours over." I sigh, she does every month, she knows that I will stay and help her stock and stuff like that. "You are the only one that stays to help me. At least let me give you a ride home." I shake my head again, if I let someone bring me home they will think that I don't need a job with where I live, and I just can't have that. I really need this job, because me and my mom don't get along very well since my dad pasted away, so I have to pay to live there. I am trying to save up some money so I can move out on my own.

"I will be fine, I promise. I know how to handle myself. Please don't worry about me." I say giving her a hug. I love how she worries about me but I don't need it. I know how to whoop some butt. She nods

"Fine as long as you call me when you get home." she says and I nod.

"I will call you as I get home," I say walking towards the door,

"Jade," she sighs "Have a good night." she says I nod

"You too." I say walking out the door. As I am walking home I pass my best friend's house and see she is home, but she is having sex with someone, I see him as he leans up and kisses her. I want someone to love me like that. I look around because I feel someone watching me. I see no one around so I start walking again, I start hearing footsteps behind me. I quickly turn around and no one is there. I am just hearing things. I turn down the alleyway that leads straight to my road, walking faster. now I hear the footsteps getting closer and closer so I start to run but I get tackled to the ground and something pressed against my throat,

"Scream and I will kill you." snares the man holding me to the ground, he flips me over and I punch him, and he cuts my arm as I pull it away. "you little bitch." he spits, he uses the knife to cut my paints and underwear off, as he is doing this I try scooting away from him but in doing this I get my thigh cut. I try really hard not to scream because I don't want to die tonight. next thing I knew he had trusted inside of me, I yelp, as he starts moving and the knife is back to my neck. he pushes deep inside of me and I feel my insides down there get warm. he pulls out and cuts my shirt and starts messing with my boobs "Wow you are a good fuck." he says grabbing my arm and pulling me inside of one of the houses, He throws me on the floor and he rapes me again and again over the night until I pass out. I wake up to a load beeping sound. I would guess I am in a hospitable. The beeping sound is giving me a headache or at least making it worse. I open my eyes but close them just after opening them because of the light. I blink a few time to get used to the light, once I was used to it then I got a good look around.

"Yep, I am in the hospitable." Just as I say that everything that happen yesterday comes flooding its way back. I scream at how helpless I truly was.

1 hour of writing from a picture

  "I was failing everything I did because of how we were. I know now that we weren't meant last as long as we did but I don't g...