Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Mated Werewolves Part One

 'Almost over' I keep telling myself as I am being yelled at for the food not being done on time. 'At least this is better than last time.' Something my mother sang to me when I was three helps me get through times like this one, I will not be moved. Is the song she sang all the time to me and my brother. I wish he was here to help me, but he left, without a goodbye. I haven't seen him in fourteen years and since he left I became the pack's punching bag. What comes with being their punching bag is that I don't eat every day I'm only aloud to eat once a week, I also have to clean every room and cook every meal. They say I that I am the reason why my mother was killed, my dad is the alpha, my own dad hates me and I didn't do anything wrong. So this is where my story start.

"Kane, come let the her off this time. This is the first time." Beta John says looking at me. "She has been good this week." He says putting a hand on my father's shoulder "She used to be everything you wanted when she was 12-years-old. What happen?" he says pointing to the door. I do as I am told.

"She looks so much like her mother I can't take it, I miss her so much. It's been four years and she looks more and more like her mother every day." I run into the room.

"And you don't think I miss her too." I sob running outside. I can hear him running after me.

"Get your ass back her young lady." He yells.

"She was my mom. Hope you know that I can't even look in the mirror because of it." I yell stopping out in the middle of the pack grounds and see people gathering around us, some holding their hands over their months. Today was the first time I talked since my mother died.

"I didn't want a girl. I never did" he says and everyone gasps.

"Don't you think I know that." I snap earning a slap. "I wish I was dead." There was a loud growl and arms were around me in a flash. Then I smelled rotting flesh mixed with the smell of the ocean.

"Xavier Let her go. You are not here to get into trouble and start another war are you?" Xavier's grip tightens on me, but not in a bad way. He growls again.

"Mine, you will not die." He growls. Wait I know why this isn't in a bad way, it's because he is my mate. I snuggle into his arms earning a growl from my father. "She is mine and If you land a hand on her again I will get both councils to come here and strip your tilde away." He says letting me go, but not too far away. He turns to me. "And you are not going to die." I nod my head,

"You can't take the only Soon-to-be." Beta John says.

"You really think he was going to give me the tilde after four years of hating me? I don't think so. The only way I was going to become alpha was on his death bed or after he dies. Everyone here knows that." I say walking toward the wood, Xavier close behind me, "I just want to be alone for a little bit."

"Not going to happen. I am not losing you. I also heard everything that was said. So I just want to hold you." I the tears start falling. I shake my head.

"Please I promise I won't do anything, I won't harmful to myself." I say trying to get him to head back.

"I am not leaving and that's final." He snaps. I raise my hands up in surrender.

"Fine, but you will need to keep up." I take off running toward the water fall where my grandma was killed saving my mom when she was 12-years-old. Once I get there I fall to the ground sobbing. "Why did you leave me with my step dad? Who hates me because I was the only one you could have?" I sob as Xavier wrapped his arms around me. "I'm don't even have a wolf." I say. "I want to meet my really dad but I know I can't because he died when his alpha went crazy." I say looking into Xavier's Bright green eyes, one of his eyes is covered by his jet-black hair. He is as pale as the peach color pencil. I'm 5''5 and he's 6". Oh god he is so fucking hot. I just want to kiss him.

"Then why don't you?" he asks

"I said that out-loud didn't I?" he nods and kisses me on the forehead. "Then kiss me already." I say pushing my lips to his and sparks fly. We pull away and look into each other's eyes. the look in his eye shows he feels complete, but I can't still feel this hole in my heart. because of this hole I look at the ground and see we are in a tree because I looked down he did too.

"How did we get up here?" He asks and I shrug, trying to stay calm. 

1 hour of writing from a picture

  "I was failing everything I did because of how we were. I know now that we weren't meant last as long as we did but I don't g...