Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Ruby's Vampire Part one

 "Ruby." Cloy yells running up to me, "Did you see the new guy?" I shake my head. "Oh My God, he is so handsome. He is about your height." She says pulling me towards where she came from. "There he is." She says pointing to the guy everyone is staring at. Our eye connect and he smirks. "Oh My God, He is looking this way." He starts walking this way.

"Clo? How do I look?" I say turning to him. She smiles.

"You look hot." He says turning me around. He binds down and kisses my hand. I feel the blush rises on my checks. "Now you look really cute when you blush." I am most likely redder then I was before. "Hey lets go for a walk." He says linking our hands. I look at Cloy and she nods.

"Ok." I say and he leads the way out of the School building. "So, what is your name?" I ask trying to find out more about him.

"Xavier Long. What is your?" He asks smiling at me.

"Ruby Lee." I say looking at the ground. He pulls us to a stop and pulls me closer to him.

"Who's there?" he yells.

"Ruby it is so nice to see you, again." Zoey says stepping out of the shadows. Her smile fades when she sees Xavier holding me. "Leach, what are you doing here?"

"Pixie" he says back to her. She always gets pissed whenever someone calls her a Pixie, because she is a Fairy "I am here because I want to be here." He says.

"Just leave her alone. You already know she is a Human." She says as if it is bad being a human.

"Oh, I know what she IS." He says as if he doesn't care. "And I will not stay away from her because you told me to, but because she wants me to." Turning to me "Do you want me to leave you alone?"

"Wait before you answer that I want you to wear this." Zoey says.

"What does it do?"  I ask grabbing the necklace,

"It makes sure he can't play any tricks on you. I was coming to give it to you, because I knew there was a vampire in town but I didn't know who it was. Now I do and you need that necklace." She says flying over to me and putting it on me. "Now answer his question."

"I wasn't going to compel her to want me to stay around. So you know." He snaps, then he looks at me. "Do you want me to stay?" I really don't want to but something about him makes me want to get to know him more. I don't want to because Zoey has never been wrong about someone before, but that thing I can't put my finger on is what is stopping from telling him I don't want to.

"I want-"

"See she doesn't want to be around you." Zoey interrupts me.

"She hasn't finished what she was going to say. Go ahead, Ruby," I look at Zoey with eyes that say sorry.

"I want to get to know him." I say really slowly. "I am sorry Zoey, but I just want to get to know him."

"It's alright. Just let me know how he is. I am not a loud to be around him. And as for you" she says pointing to him. "Hurt her and I WILL not hesitate to kill your ass. Got it?" Xavier nods looking at me.

"Now can we continue on our walk through the park?" he asks me.

"Yes, we can." I say and he links our hand again. "How about we play 20 questions?" I ask hopeful. He nods.

"You first." He says

"Favorite Song?" I ask and it goes from there. Until we reach a clearing.

"I am really glad that you choose me over her." He says

"Let's get one thing straight I didn't pick anyone over anyone. I just said that I want to get to know you. Which is very different than saying I choose you Xavier." Wow that last part sounded a lot like Pokémon.

"That sounded a lot like the TV show called Pokémon. I really like that show. It was very funny." I start laughing. "Did I say something wrong, because I know I didn't say anything wrong." he snaps I shake my head no.

"That is what I was thinking." I say still laughing, but he starts laughing along with me. We laugh for a few minutes. "Okay. So what are we going to do?" I ask and he smiles.

"We are just going to walk back. But before we do that I wanted to ask if we could go get some coffee or something sometime?" he says looking nervous.

"Yeah I guess so." I say

"I knew you would say yes." He says cockily. I shake my head laughing at his cockiness. He slings his arm over my shoulder and we head back in silence. Once we got back everyone was staring at him and I. "What are you all staring at? Huh?" he yells and everyone looks away. I can't believe he just did that. I grab the necklace I had on. "Please leave it on. I don't want to be able to do anything." He says grabbing it. I nod. "Well I will see you here at eight pm for our study date." He says walking away before I had a say in it. I sigh and walk to my class. Psychology was kind of interesting, but I hate the homework I have to do for it. I have to interview someone and have them tell me the truth and lie about something else and I have to see which one they are lying about. I having people lying to me even when I know it is for class. It still doesn't feel right to me. I head to my computer classes. I hate them but I got to take them in order to become a therapist, so that's what I am going to do.

It's eight o'clock and I am trying to get to the spot on time but I knew my classes ended at eight so I wasn't going to make there a eight. Why didn't I say something as he was walking away? Well it's to late to say anything. Right as I get to the spot he wanted to meet at, I notice no one is there. So I look at my phone and see it is only 8:11pm. I will wait until 8:30pm then I will leave. I pulled out my homework for computers. I sat there waiting until I finished my homework. I got up and went home. Once I got home I noticed someone by my neighbors house. I decided to go inside and relax, they always have weird people over all the time. I mean literally all the time. They had kicked someone out at 3 in the morning last week, so this isn't anything unusual. So I went to the furthest room away from their house and started reading, Vampire Academy.  I must have fallen asleep because I woke up to someone banging on my door. They were yelling something, so as I went to open the door I heard what they where saying "Police, open up," I run to the door hoping nothing happened to my roommate. I open the door and get asked "have you seen this woman?" They show me a picture of a woman that looks a lot like Jade, the girl I fought with in high school, I shake.

"I haven't seen her since April of 2010, when she went missing, why?" I ask

"Because she was seen going into this house." I walk back and move my arms.

"Go ahead and look around she shouldn't be here. Oh was she walking with anyone?" They shake her head no.

"Why?" They ask

"Because I have a roommate. I was just making sure that my roommate didn't bring her in here." I say as they are looking around. As I come to think about it why are they looking for her now? "Why are you guys looking for her now and not back then?" I ask the Plymouth police. "You guys had a chance to look for her then." I snap.

"Because she is apart of a group of killings." They say "she's not here. Let's move out." The caption says singling for them to leave. Once they were gone I moved off the trap door on the floor.

"What are you doing here, Jade?" I ask pulling the half beaten girl.

"Because I know he is here, the one that changed me." She says looking around. "The one that killed me. I need to kill him or have him kill me to stop this pain." She grabs my wrist. "You smell so good." She tries biting me but I pull my arm away.

"No biting me or I will turn you in. Let me call Zoey and see what she has to say." I walk out of the room into my reading room and called Zoey. "Hello? Is Zoey there?" I ask.

"This must be important because you never call this number."

"She is back." I say hoping who she knew who I meant.

"I will be over keep her in your eye sight." She says hanging up. I head back downstairs and find her sitting on the steps.

"Did I do something wrong?" I shake my head no.

"No. It just you were not allowed to come back. But it's okay." I say sitting next to her

"I seen my mom and see is still in the same spot holding the same photo of me. I wish I could give her a hug. I was the only child that had." I shake my head.

"You have a brother but he died right after he was born." I say wanting her to know. "I'm sorry." Then there was a banging at the door I showed her back to the trap door and went to the door and Xavier, Zoey was there at my door. "What is he doing here?"

"He can help," she say walking past me. " where is she?"

"We have to wait an hour before I can bring her out again because there are still cops outside, and they are looking for her." Xavier looks at me like I am crazy.

"Did you forget what I am?" I shake my head no. "Then what is it?"

"I don't want to talk to him because he stood me up." I say turning to face Zoey. She pulled out her laptop and got to work. "Fine! I need help." I explained everything to him that I needed to do for my homework.

"I am married. I am getting turned on by you not having a bra on." He says

"That you are getting turned on by me, is a lie." No one could ever like me. He looked shocked.

"Wrong. I am NOT married." oh, I think I made him mad.

1 hour of writing from a picture

  "I was failing everything I did because of how we were. I know now that we weren't meant last as long as we did but I don't g...