Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Missing Mother

 "Misty, get your ass down here!" Jessie waits three minutes then yells "Now!"  I can hear her stomping up the stairs to come to pull me out of bed.  This right here is a daily thing between us. My stepmom and myself, we fight all the time. MY dad hopes we will grow out of it, but I don't think we will ever be friends or anything else for that matter. She is always trying to replace my mother and she will never be able to do that in my heart. now in my dad's heart, that's different. he has already forgotten his mother, the day he remarried her. That bitch thinks just because she is married to my dad that makes her my mom, well it doesn't and it never will. I hate her. "Misty, don't make me come in there and drag you out of bed again," she yells from the top of the steps. I so want to push her down those twisty steps just for the fun of it. My dad and I used to be very close but ever since he brought her into this house I haven't talked to him.

"Leave me alone. I don't want to deal with you two today you both can go rote in hell for all I care." I yell back at her. I really don't care about either one of them. My dad ruined everything when he brought her here.

"Jessie, leave her alone if she doesn't want to go then she doesn't have to." my dad says.

"I hate seeing you so upset over that ungrateful little brat in there." She says most likely pointing towards my room. "She is going to be the death of you and I can't just sit by and let her KILL you." she gets louder and louder which tells me she is walking toward my room. "Misty, I'm coming in there," she says storming into my room. "Get your ass up," she says grabbing my arm. Then pulling me out of bed.

"OW!" I yell yanking my arm back. Looking at it I see it is bleeding again. "GET OUT!" I yell pushing her with my good arm. "I want nothing to do with you guys, and as for doing something tonight you two and go fuck each other for all I care." I walk into my bathroom and slam the door shut.

"You knew how that was going to turn out but you did it anyway." my dad says from the hallway. "Misty get ready we are leaving with you either you are ready or not," he says. "Now Jessie I want today to be good so please do pick any fights with her," he says as I hear his loud feet hit each step.

"Why can't you take my side with her?" Jessie yells. my dad must have said something she didn't like what he had to say. "She is going to the death of you!" a door slammed. I giggle. I look back down at my arm and see that one of my cuts were broken open. She does this every day! I hate that I can't do anything without having her all in up in my space. "Misty, Can we talk?" Jessie asks knocking on the bathroom door. she must have just seen the blood on her hand and wanted to ask about it. she lends against the door. "I know you've been cutting again. Your dad loves you and wants what is best for you. Also so you know It's just you and your dad going today because I was asked not to go by him so he could talk to you. Would you just talk to your dad. not for him, not for me, not for you but for your mother." that's when I snap.

"You know nothing about my mother and you know nothing about what I am going through. I lost my mom because of your slutty ass. now get out of my room and stay out." I snap at her. she gasps and I can hear her walking away saying something about her knowing how I feel about her now. my mom came home from work one day and found my dad in bed with her. so she left him. then one year later after that happen my mother became very ill and passed away. Since the day she passed away and I found her I have been stuck with my dad and his slut. I know she never cared about my mom from the day she told me what truly happened to them. since I found out the truth I have hated both of them. they are the reason I couldn't spend as much time with my mom as I wanted to, and my dad was going to pay for what he did. I hear someone walking towards my room.

"Misty come on we are leaving," he says knocking on my bedroom door. I open the bathroom door and walk over to him. I push past him. I walk out to his car and sit in the backseat. he gets in the car and sees where I am sitting. "Come sit up here with me. I want to talk to you," he says I sigh knowing that I don't have a choice in where we are heading or if we have this talk. so I get out and I get in the front seat. "I know you don't like me, but I want to tell you something. I did love your mom. she was my world until she fell very ill right before you were born and we found out it was from the pregnancy. so we had you early and then we found out she was pregnant again eight years after you were born. she turned around and gave the baby up because you were really, really sick because she thought that we wouldn't be able to take care of both of you. Then when she caught me sleeping with Jessie. she had cancer, so she left me because she knew she was going to die," he stopped and whipped his eyes. "She didn't want to work things out because she knew she wasn't going to make it, but for about three months after she left I tried so hard to get her back then I found out why she left when one of her bills came to the house. I called her right after I got it and she told me over the phone. she told me to move on and be happy again, try for more kids. but I couldn't and still can't bring myself to have anymore because the kids wouldn't have your mom running through them. I found out yesterday, that I am very ill as well. I don't think I have much time left. I just want to bring you here and try to make things right again." I turn and see we are at our old house. "Yes this house will go into your name when you turn 18, and it's paid off. something your mom told me was in there to give to you when I got older or ill. well, I am ill so I am showing this to you now so you know that it is from both of us, as one." he unlocks the door and opens it, "Your room on this floor. There is a box on the floor. I hope you like it." he steps out of the way and I walk up the stairs and into my old room. the tears are flowing down my face as I open the little black box.

"My dear mist, I have loved you from the day I found out I was pregnant. I did everything I could to make you happy. As time went on I found myself trying to make everyone happy but myself, and I don't want you to fall into the same thing I did, I don't know if you have or not because I don't know when you would be getting this. Everyone always told me to make myself happy but I could never really do that. But it's never too late to change. but don't wait as long as I did. Also don't blame your dad and Jessie for everything. I knew he still liked his ex-wife Jessie, but I didn't know how much. I knew he loved me but I just didn't have the time to work everything out with him. I hope I have grandchildren, who know so much about me from your father. also, I want you to have the relationship with your father that I never got with mine. so please don't hate him. he did one thing wrong and is going to pay for it for the rest of his life. so don't make it harder on him. love him the way you love me. Love MoM." I sat on the floor crying my eyes out for a few minutes before my dad came in and held me.

"I am so so so so so so so so sorry for what I did to you." I kept repeating over and over. he just sat there rocking me back and forth. "I miss her so much."

"I do too, sweetie. it's so nice to have you in my arms again," he says hugging me tighter.

1 hour of writing from a picture

  "I was failing everything I did because of how we were. I know now that we weren't meant last as long as we did but I don't g...