Wednesday, December 16, 2020

My Mates Part One

 My mom and I were in the woods going for a run. It's something we did together every now and then to get away from day to day life. She was telling me that she had a surprise to show me. But she wouldn't tell me what... (Ugh). My mom and dad are fighters for the moonlight pack, which means I have a warrior's soul inside me. "Choley, we're here!" I look around and see this magnificent waterfall flowing gently out of the plateau towering above us. "I found this place on a run with the pack. Isn't it lovely?" She smiles. I nod and look back at the waterfall. Only this time I see someone approaching us. 

"Who's that?" My mom looks startled and signals me to go behind shelter. "But mom-" She shushes me and motions for me to behind the rock again. She shifts into her werewolf form. Which her wolf is a big brown wolf with white paws. I did as she said and found a large rock to hide behind. After what seemed like an eternity I hear my mom whimper. I ran over to my side, she was covered in blood. I hugged her and begged for her to walk up. She won't wake up "Wake up mom. You can't leave me." My mom's body sways lifelessly in my arms as I shake it... Her eyes were open and looking at where I was hiding. I got up ran back toward the Packhouse yelling "Help, Help my mom is hurt really bad" I was hoping that she was just knocked out. Jade, the pack doctor, runs up to me.

"Choley, I need you to show me where your mom is." Jade says "Follow me. She is at the waterfall." I say running back into the woods. 

"What waterfall?!" She yells running after me. Once we got to where she was Jade Mind-linked with the pack to send one of the warriors to come and take my mom back to the pack infirmary.  "Choley, help will be here soon. But for now Alpha Black would like to see you." Jade tells me as she motions back to the pack. I nodded my head and ran as fast as I could back home. When I got back to the packhouse there was a guard outside of the pack infirmary. 

"Choley, I need you to come with me." Justin, the guard says. I nod my head. Once Justin and I were standing outside of Alpha Black's office he turned to me "This is where I leave. All I have to say to you is I am truly sorry this has to happen." He says walking away

"What's going to happen? What do you mean? Why are you sorry?" I yell back at him as I started crying. 

"I am not allowed to answer those questions. Just know I am truly sorry." He says without even turning around...leaving me to face the Alpha by myself. I turn back around to the door and take a deep breath and knocked on the door. 

"Come in." Alpha Black says. As I open the door I see that he's the only one here. Normally when I have had to talk to him or the beta my mom and dad was there because I am not of age yet.

"You wanted to see me sir?"

"Please take a seat." He says as he points to the seat in front of his desk. "So can you tell me what you and your mom were doing in the woods today?" I nod my head looking down at the ground.

"We were in the woods because my mom wanted to show me this new place she had come across when doing ground patrol last night. Since it wasn't a school day she thought it would be a good idea for us to spend the day together. So we packed a lunch and went out. It turned out to be a waterfall right near the end of our land. We got there and immediately I see someone walk up from the other side of the lake". I look up to him to see if he has any questions so far. After about a minute I continued "I asked my mom who that person was and she told me to get behind the rock. But once I got behind the rock I froze in place because I heard a whimper come from behind me. I turn around to see if it was my mom the first thing I see is the stranger not even 2 feet from my face. He said 'I will be back for you my princess.' and was gone in a blink of an eye. I ran to my mom trying to wake her up and when she wouldn't wake up I ran back towards her yelling for help." As I finished telling what happen I was crying. Then there was a knock on the door.

"Come in" Alpha Black says. The door opens and Jade comes in.

"I regret to inform you, Summer has passed away." As she says that I scream.

"No." I fall out of my seat and land on the ground crying. "No. No. No. This can't be happening. I can't lose my mom." I sob.

"Have you told Jackson?"

"He said he wanted to be alone." She says.

"Okay. Thank you." He says dismissing her from the room. "You may go now too" I nod my head. Standing up was hard. My legs felt like jelly. I try to walk to the door but got about four steps and fell. I tried again and again until I was out of his office. Right as I fall to the floor Alec Black walks by.

"Choley are you okay?" he says catching me right before I hit the ground.

"Not really..."

"What happened?" He asks

"My mom" I sob a little harder "she was" I take a breath trying to come down a little. "Killed" I start sobbing as hard as I could.

"It'll be okay. Let's get you to your room so you can rest. How does that sound?" I nod my head. He picks me up bridal style and walks to my room. Right as he opens my door there was a gunshot coming from my mom and dad's room. I jump out of his arms and run into their room and see my dad lying on the ground with a gun in his hand. "Oh. My. God. Choley, come here." I hear Alec but he sounds so far away. I fell to the ground and screamed. The next thing I knew I was being hit upside the head. I look at the person who hit me it was Alpha Black. He was saying something but I couldn't understand what. He kept hitting me until I started to see black dots then there was darkness. 

Dream..."Mom, please don't go!" the little girl says crying. "Sweetie, I have to go. You know that." She says trying to get up, but gets pulled back down to the bed. "Look, mommy will be back. Okay?" the little girl nods her head. "Mom? Can I go with you?" the woman shakes her head. "No. you know you can't." "Why can't I see daddy?" The woman starts crying. "You know you're daddy loves you. But he is busy. He is working really hard to keep the pack together." The woman says. "That's not my daddy." the little girl says. "If he is my daddy and you are my mommy, how come I don't look like you guys?" she has a point she doesn't look like the woman." Look, sweetie, we love you. That's all that should matter." she says and leaves the room. End of dream.

I try opening my eyes but I can't. I try a few more times before everything came flooding back to me. My mom dying and my dad killing himself. Then I getting beat. I hear footsteps over the beeping noise. Then my door open. "Doctor. How come she hasn't woken' up yet?" a women says.

"I really don't know," Jade says

"Ace, I think it is time to get back to work." the woman says.

"I can't let my dad near her," he growls.

"I know sweetie but~" she tries but gets cut off by him.

"But nothing. I can't leave her to get killed." he growls "Now everyone out." I hear the door open and close. He sighs. "Choley, please I need you to wake up. You have been out for a year now. Your birthday is in less than a week away. You will be able to find your mate. And hopefully leave this pack, you deserve better than what has happened to you." he pauses for a minute. "I need to go greet the guests and right after that, I will be back. I promise you as your next-in-line Alpha I will not let my dad near you." he kisses my forehead and I hear the door open and close. I try to open my eyes once more and they open and I close them because I am blinded by a bright light. I open them again trying to get used to the light. Once my eyes are used to the light I look around and see that I am in a hospital room. Right as I look out the window, I hear a vicious growl. It sounds like it is coming from the packhouse. I hid under the covers for who knows how long. Then my door slammed open.

"Where is she?" a man growls. He pulls the blanket off me. I look up and see it is the alpha from the pack over. His eyes are black with anger as he looks over my body. I try to scoot away from him. When he sees that his eyes soften. He reaches out and I flinched away. "What's your name?"

"Choley. Choley New." I say trying to get away from him so I don't get hurt. That's when Ace walks in.

"My name is Xavier."

"Choley." he comes running over to me. "I am so sorry, for what he did."

"Who did what to her?" Xavier growls.

"You already know. That's why I brought you here. To remove my dad from power. This is the pack member I told you about." Xavier lets out a vicious growl, it was the same one from earlier. He moves closer to me and I move back, falling off the bed, but before I hit the floor he had a hold of me. He leans into my neck and sniffs.

"Mine" he growls. I am too scared to move let alone open my eyes again. "Please open your eyes I want to see those bright beautiful green eyes again." I open my eyes and look him right in his blue ones. He moves his hand up to my face. I flinch away. "I, Xavier Armstrong, reject you, Choley New, as my mate and as my Luna." I feel like my life was just ripped from me again.

"Alpha Xavier, she just lost her only family." Ace says.

"Once I get your dad out of power, I will be leaving," he says pushing me off him and walking out of my room. I start crying my eyes out.

"Choley, I-"

"Don't. Please just leave. I want to be alone." I say. He gets up and walks away. How come he rejected me? I get up and walk out of my room straight to the woods. I come across the waterfall. I walk over to the edge. Should I just jump and get this over with? 

'No. please don't' says a voice.

"Who's there?" I yell

'It's me your wolf. My name is Summer.' says the voice.

'Why don't you want to die? Our mate just rejected us.'

'I need you to accept the rejection. We will be in less pain that way.'

'Fine.' I say walking back to the packhouse. I find Xavier sitting in the living room. "I, Choley New, accept Xavier Armstrong's rejection" he clutches his chest and screams. Regret flashes through his eyes. "Have a good life Xavier." I run out of the packhouse into the woods.

1 hour of writing from a picture

  "I was failing everything I did because of how we were. I know now that we weren't meant last as long as we did but I don't g...