Wednesday, December 23, 2020

My Mates Part Two

 I run as fast as I can. I have to get away before they realize what I did and that I am running away. Mostly because of the Alpha scare me to death. It's been about six hours since I accepted his rejected and took off. I finally found a water hole, I shift into my human form. I lay down next to the waterhole. "What did I do so wrong to get a life like this" there was a growl coming from the other side of the waterhole. I sit up and see a pure brown wolf. He doesn't have very much power coming off him, so I know he is not an alpha or a beta. Which means he is a fighter or a patrolman. Oh, shit that means I am on someone's pack land.

"Rouge what are you doing on our lands? What is your name?" He asks walking around the waterhole. "My name is Choley New, I didn't know this was pack land. I am just passing through. I won't get into any trouble. I will be off your land by nightfall." I say hoping he will let me go.

"I can't let you go. My Alpha wants to see you." He says "So come with me. We will see what he does with you." Oh shit, he might kill me. "He rarely kills anyone. The only time he has killed someone was about a year after he became Alpha."

"But he has killed someone so he could do it again," I say slowly walking behind him. "Since I told you my name can you tell me yours?" He nods


"That's a good name," the rest of the walk was in silence. After about six or seven minutes we arrived at a six-story high building. "Are we here?" He nods

"What are you doing here rouge? And with my mate?" A she-wolf growls at me. I just look down at the ground.

"Lucy, she was found by me on our land and I have to take her to the Alpha, you know that. So please move so I can do my job." He says kissing the top of her head. She nods and movies out of our way. "Follow me." I nod and do as he says. As we are walking up the stairs I get weird/dirty looks from most of the people from the pack. The ones that aren't giving me dirty looks are looking at me with sad eyes. He stood and I ran into him. "He's in there. Good luck, you'll need it because he is not in a great mood."

"You're not going in with me?" He shakes his head.

"I'm not allowed to." He says and walks away. I raise my hand and knock on the door.

"Come in." Someone says from the other side of the door. I open the door and can't see a thing. "Someone get the pack nurse." I hear before the blackness takes over. I woke up in a hospital bed. I grown and grab my head. What happen to me? "Oh good your wake." Someone says from the door scaring the crap out of me.

"Please don't kill me," I say trying to move out of the bed.

"Oh sweetie, I will never kill someone who doesn't deserve it and from what I can tell you don't deserve it." He says walking up to my bed. 'Are you okay?' I ask my wolf. I don't get a response back.

"what's wrong with my wolf?" I asked trying to hold back the tears that are threatening to spill.

"I think it is time for me to go get the doctor," he says getting up and walking out the door. he comes in a few minutes later with the person I am guessing to be the doctor.

"Ma'am, Do you know where you are?"

"No, not really, I was never told the packs name."

"Do you know your name?"

"Yes, I am Jamie Ann New."

"Okay, good. Do you remember what happened on the days before you passed out?"

"Yeah, I was beaten by my old Alpha until I passed out, then when I woke up I was rejected by my mate. then I ran here, where ever is here." I stop to think if anything else happened. "that's all of it." she nods then looks at the guy standing by the door, I look over and see Xavier. I start trying to get out of the bed. "no get him away from me." I scream at the top of my lungs.

"That's not her name!" He says calmly.

"What's her name then?"

"Choley Marie New. Jamie Ann New was her mother's name." He steps closer to me and I fall off the edge.

"Okay, thank you but Sir, you are not allowed in here, the Alpha's orders," she says.

"I don't care what he has to say. that is my mate and she is coming with me," he says. I look at her and see her eyes are glazed over, telling me that she is mind-linking, someone, most likely the Alpha.

"My Alpha says go to his office and talk to him, Alpha Xavier."

"I will be back to get her later today," he says and storms out of the room.

"Please hide me. I am scared to go back with him." I crying.

"Oh sweetie, Jackson won't let anyone take you away," she says sitting on my bad.

"Why not?" I ask her.

"Because you are HIS mate."

"What's wrong with my wolf?" she looks at me like I have lost my mind.

"What do you mean?"

"I can't contact her. it's like she isn't there anymore."

"Oh my dear, this is worse then I thought." She says getting up "I will be right back. I need to go get some tubes to draw some blood, so I can run some tests. Okay?" I nod my head and she runs out of the room. About four minutes later she is back and taking some of my blood. "The tests I am going to do will take about three to four days for us to get results back." I nod my head.

"Can I see this Jackson?" I ask and she nods.

"He will be here in a few hours to see and talk to you. So get some rest." She says and walks out with the tubes full of blood. I lay down on the bed. Trying to not listen to what others are saying near my room. Right as I fall asleep someone barges into my room.

"She can't be your mate. She was mine first." Someone yells.

"Did you reject her?" A calmer voice says

"Yes, but that's not the point, she is my mat-"

"Did she accept the rejection?"


"Then she is not your mate anymore. So I will ask one more time nicely before I have you removed from my land. Please leave and don't come back for her!" The calmer person says.

"What am l going to do? She was my mate, my one and only." He says heartbroken.

"Should have thought about that before you rejected her." The calmer voice says. I hear the door shut. "Sweetie, I know your wake. No one that I know would be able to sleep through all of that." He says, "it's safe. No one is going to hurt you again. I promise."

"Don't make promises you can't keep," I say opening one eye.

"What's your name?" He asks.

"I think it is Jamie but I was told it was Choley New, yours?"

"Jackson." "From what you've been told is right, it is Choley," "Now, If you say it's Jamie, we will get it changed to that if you would like. Whichever name you choose will be as beautiful as you are." He says sitting down on my bed.

I look away from him. He has to be lying. "You're Lying, you have to be," I say moving away from him. I looking him in the eyes. "I am not any different from the other girls around here," I state trying to get him to leave. "Please just leave. I don't need someone telling me lies to me, so please leave." he shakes his head.

"I am not lying to you. I can promise you that. As for me leaving it's not going to happen. You are my mate. So whether you like it or not, I am not leaving you."

"I can't have a mate. I got rejected." When does this ever happen? NEVER that's when. "I know this doesn't make sense but it is the truth. I am your mate and I will not hurt you. I can promise that." he says sitting on the floor. "I'll sit here so we can talk and you can set on the bed so you can feel safe." I start to panic because he could hurt me before I get a chance to move. The door burst open. I fall off the bed before I can see who it is. I pop my head up over the bed as Xavier slowly comes into the room. "I felt her panic." He says and Justin growls. I feel the power coming off both of them. "I told you nicely to leave." Justin slams him onto the closest wall. I whimper. Why did I feel the pain when he hit the wall? No, that's not happening. Justin punches Xavier in the stomach and I scream moving my hands to my stomach in pain. "What did you do to my mate?" Justin yells running over to me as Xavier falls to the floor.

"Okay, boys enough fighting for today. I don't think she will be able to handle anymore. I've gotten her blood and I am running tests on it. I now need his blood" Pointing to Xavier. "and you're blood" she points to Justin. "Now come with me or I will take your blood by force."

 "Yes, Laural," Justin growls setting me on the bed and pushing Xavier out with him. She stays and walks over to me.

"Look, I can stop Xavier from coming back tonight but I can't stop Justin. Now, I can stop them from fighting."


"Justin is my Alpha but I am his sister and if I tell mother or father about what's going on here they will be back as soon as they can. He doesn't want that because they just left the day you showed up. So, I have my ways." She sits on the bed. "Can I see where it hurts?" I nod lifting the gown up showing her my somatic. I think you guys have a blood bond, but I have to do more research to understand more. I have to go before they come back in here." she rushes out of the room. I let myself smile a little bit. I fall asleep.

1 hour of writing from a picture

  "I was failing everything I did because of how we were. I know now that we weren't meant last as long as we did but I don't g...