Wednesday, January 6, 2021


I wish I could tell you
How badly you have hurt me.
Cutting me out making
My fears come true.
I know I had a part in it.
You said you'll never leave
But that's exactly what you did
I tried to be a fly on the wall
I tried to make everyone happy
Even you, but I needed to do something for me.
I need to let you go.
Not everyone Is going to leave.
Not everyone is like you.
I'm not, I know that.
I am happier with him by my side
I am doing better than I was.
The depression isn't as bad.
The nightmares are back.
You cause them by leaving.
Leaving is something that'll hurt you.

1 hour of writing from a picture

  "I was failing everything I did because of how we were. I know now that we weren't meant last as long as we did but I don't g...