From Mouse to her grandfather From Her Grandfather to Mouse
Grandpa, I miss you.
Mouse, I miss you too.
Am I making you proud?
Yes, My little girl.
Why do I feel a hole in my life without you?
Because you haven’t let me go.
I need you though. I don’t want to do this without you
You’ve been doing so good. You’ve made it 14 years without me.
I want to see you. To hold you. To hug you.
One day you will get to see me and get to hug me.
I want to see you now. I want you here with me.
When your time is up. It’s far from your time.
Why did you have to go?
Because it was my time to go.
How can I be whole again? I wanna to complete again.
You have to let me go. You have to say goodbye.
I don’t want to say goodbye.
I know but it’s time. It’s actually way over due.
But, I don’t want lose you again.
You never lost me to begin with.
What do you mean? You died.
I’ve been with you this whole time.
I’ve been in your heart.
So, I was never alone? You’ve been here with me?
No, you were never alone. I’ve been by your side all this time.
I guess, it’s time for you go again, isn’t it? Will you be by my side?
Yes, it is. I’ll always be by your side. Even if you can’t see me.
Okay. I love you. I’ll see you when my time is up.
I love you too. See you later, alligator.