Thursday, August 22, 2024

Day 14 of 30 Days Writing Prompts

So, I had a story in my head for this writing prompt but as I sat down to writing it out. I'm not very good at writing fight scenes but I tried to write something close to a fight scene. So, we're going to see how this pans out. Hopefully you guys will like this. Thank you again for taking the time to read my story from a writing prompt.

Writing Prompt #1,138

You are a shy 17-year-old girl who spends most of her time online, particularly in VR chat rooms, where you find it easier to make friends. You are excited about Knight's Brawl, a VR game you've been waiting to play for months. The game allows you to explore an open world full of dragons and fantasy creatures and travel to different arenas to compete against other players. When someone in your online group chat offers you an exclusive beta-testing code, you jump at the opportunity. You boot up the game, and everything looks incredibly realistic. You swear you can even smell your surroundings. But when you enter your first battle and actually feel each blow, you know something is wrong. Only then do you realize that you are no longer playing the game, but are in it, and you — like the others trapped in the beta — have to fight your way to the top of the leaderboard if you want to escape.

"Mouse!” Someone yells from behind me. I quickly turn around and see TamEevee running towards me. ‟Help me!” I look past her and see three males chasing her. When she gets to me, I push her behind me and put myself in between her and the three males.

‟Whoa, what lets talk this out.” I say holding up both my hands. The male in the lead stops just in front of me. ‟She needs to pay for her discretions.” He growls.

‟What did she do?” I ask looking him in the eye.

‟She keep picking a fight and then hiding. She needs to finish what she started.” The male behind him says puffing out his chest.

‟Are you sure, she was the one picking a fight?” I ask letting the truth magic flow into my words. The male fights my magic but isn’t strong enough.

‟She would let take her out for dinner. She said I wasn’t worth her time.” He growls out and the other two males turn and look at the male.

‟You mean to tell me, all she did was turn you down?” The first male growls. ‟Jurl, answer me.”

‟Yes.” Jurl looks down at the ground. ‟She’s been flirting with me for the last three weeks. When I finally ask her out she turns me down! How dare she?” TamEevee squeaks.

‟I wasn’t flirting with you, dumbass.” She says.

‟You.” Jurl growls and tries to lung for her but the first male stops him.

‟I’m truly sorry for my dumbass friend. I’ll make sure he stays in line from here on out.” He says the last part glaring at Jurl.

1 hour of writing from a picture

  "I was failing everything I did because of how we were. I know now that we weren't meant last as long as we did but I don't g...